Automate Backup via SSH


I want to integrate a pascom server into an automated backup process. I want to trigger the pascom backup from my backup server and also to copy the result to my backup storage.


Use SSH and the cs tool.

Create SSH trust between the backup server and the pascom server:

# Login to the pascom server
ssh admin@my_pascom_server

# Become root
sudo -s

# Create .ssh directory
mkdir /root/.ssh

# Edit/Create authorized_keys file and add the public ssh key of the backup server
vi /root/.ssh/authorized_keys

Test if the connection works from your backup server:

ssh root@my_pascom_server

You should be able to login as root without entering a password

Do the backup and copy the result:

# Create a backup, replace "pascom" with your pbx name
ssh 'cs container backup pascom /root/backup.csb'

# Save the result to the backup server
scp .

Hallo @Mathias,

gibt es auch die Möglichkeit einen rebootsicheren Cronjob auf der onSite-Appliance anzulegen? Dann könnte die Backuperzeugung weiterhin lokal erfolgen und man könnte mit jeder Standard-Sicherungs-Software die erzeugten Backups per SSH herunterladen.
