Error (Exception)

Fresh install of cloudstack 7.17.5.R

This error below happened when I was clicked “Save” after replacing “0” for “8” in Services > Telephony > Default Outgoing Trunk Prefix

exception ‘Httpful\Exception\ConnectionErrorException’ with message ‘Unable to connect: 7 couldn’t connect to host’ in phar:///var/www/mobydickcmd/cmn/vendor/phphttpclient/httpful.phar/Httpful/Request.php:207
Stack trace:
#0 /var/www/mobydickcmd/module/netconfig/mod_netconfig.php(595): Httpful\Request->send()
#1 [internal function]: mod_netconfig->setupExchangeAuthentication(Array)
#2 /var/www/mobydickcmd/cmn/class/module/ex_moduleCallInterceptor.php(190): call_user_func_array(Array, Array)
#3 /var/www/mobydickcmd/module/netconfig/controller/ctl050502_exchange.php(67): ex_moduleCallInterceptor->__call(‘setupExchangeAu…’, Array)
#4 /var/www/mobydickcmd/module/netconfig/controller/ctl050502_exchange.php(67): ex_moduleCallInterceptor->setupExchangeAuthentication(Array)
#5 /var/www/mobydickcmd/module/netconfig/controller/ctl050502_exchange.php(36): ctl050502_exchange->afterSubmitUpdate(Array, Object(ex_defaultRequest), Object(ex_messageHandler))
#6 /var/www/mobydickcmd/cmn/class/mvc/controller/tab/ex_abstractTabbedFormTabController.php(148): ctl050502_exchange->afterSubmitCreate(Array, Object(ex_defaultRequest), Object(ex_messageHandler))
#7 /var/www/mobydickcmd/cmn/class/mvc/controller/ex_tabbedFormController.php(159): ex_abstractTabbedFormTabController->onSuccess(Object(ex_defaultRequest), Object(ex_messageHandler), ‘submitCreate’)
#8 /var/www/mobydickcmd/cmn/class/mvc/controller/ex_tabbedFormController.php(79): ex_tabbedFormController->validateAndSave(Object(ex_defaultRequest))
#9 /var/www/mobydickcmd/module/netconfig/controller/ctl050502.php(50): ex_tabbedFormController->onSubmitCreate(Object(ex_defaultRequest))
#10 /var/www/mobydickcmd/cmn/class/mvc/controller/ex_multiActionController.php(35): ctl050502->onSubmitCreate(Object(ex_defaultRequest))
#11 /var/www/mobydickcmd/module/netconfig/controller/ctl050502.php(37): ex_multiActionController->handleRequest(Object(ex_defaultRequest))
#12 /var/www/mobydickcmd/cmn/class/mvc/ex_frontController.php(162): ctl050502->handleRequest(Object(ex_defaultRequest))
#13 /var/www/mobydickcmd/cmn/class/mvc/ex_frontController.php(97): ex_frontController->handleRequestInternal(‘050502’, Object(ex_defaultRequest))
#14 /var/www/mobydickcmd/cmn/layout/ ex_frontController->handleRequest(‘050502’, Object(ex_defaultRequest))
#15 /var/www/mobydickcmd/index.php(299): include_once(’/var/www/mobydi…’)
#16 /var/www/mobydickcmd/index.php(42): outputBodyLoggedIn()
#17 {main}


the stack trace shows that your System tries to connect to an Exchange Server.
Is the Exchange Integration enabled?



Hi Thomas,

Under Services > Exchange Server > Enabled is showing “NO”

So it looks like Exchange Integration is not enabled.



any chance that the xmppserver is not running? Click Information > Service State.
If so, please restart it with Apply > Restart Xmpp Server.
Maybe check the memory for your instance (in the cloudstack management ui) and enlarge it to 1GB.




You are right, xmppserver did not start with server:
CRITICAL: xmppserver is not connected to the asterisk. Current state:DISCONNECTED

After restarting Xmpp Server from Apply, it came back online:
OK: xmppd_proc PROCS OK: 1 process with UID = 501 (xmpp)…

and it looks like when I reboot/restart cloudstack server, the xmpp server starts and runs online.

After the initial cloudstack server setup, phone system memory was increased to 1GB and proxy instance was increased to 512MB. So from the start, the server is running with 1GB of memory for the phone system and 512MB for the proxy.


this is plenty of memory, not sure why the xmppserver was down.
I will file a bug regarding the misleading error message in the services ui.

Thank you for coming back with this info.

Hello @usiptech,

please cross-check your Icinga installation for an error similar to this one. I just want to make sure that your system and database is updated correctly and in a consistent state. If you have an error like this, please check which migration script causes it.


The log files are too big for this forum: Body is limited to 32000 characters you entered 147048

I’ve got three _md-cmd.log files.

-rw-rw---- 1 www-data root    133 Mar 12 16:33 /var/log/mobydick/migration/1520868802_md-cmd.log
-rw-rw---- 1 www-data root 145845 Mar 16 00:03 /var/log/mobydick/migration/1521154962_md-cmd.log
-rw-rw---- 1 www-data root    521 Mar 16 00:03 /var/log/mobydick/migration/1521154981_md-cmd.log

Posting only two that fit in here:

2018-03-12 15:33:22           cache info     : Flush cache: ok
2018-03-12 15:33:22             sql info     : Connecting to database


2018-03-15 23:03:02           cache info     : Flush cache: ok
2018-03-15 23:03:02             sql info     : Connecting to database
2018-03-15 23:03:02           cache notice   : Closing memcache connection
2018-03-15 23:03:02       migration info     : Starting Migration for Package md-cmd
2018-03-15 23:03:02       migration info     : No unfinished Steps for [md-cmd] found
2018-03-15 23:03:02       migration info     : No further migration is needed.
2018-03-15 23:03:02           cache info     : Flush cache: ok


you can also add file attachments to your post, Probably the errorneous one is the one you couldn’t add.


Here is the attched file for:

Pascom_2018-03-19_1521154962_md-cmd.log (144.3 KB)