Verbesserung der Dokumentation zu "Betreten wenn leer" und "Verlassen wenn leer"

Hallo an das Pascom-Team,

ich würde gerne eine Verbesserung der Dokumentation anmelden. Ich denke die folgende Information in der Dokumentation ist nicht korrekt. :
“Betreten wenn leer: Gibt an, ob ein Anrufer die Warteschlage betreten soll, falls kein Agent angemeldet ist.”
“Verlassen wenn leer: Gibt an, ob ein Anrufer die Warteschlage verlassen soll, falls sich der letzte Agent abmeldet.”

Uns ist das aufgefallen, da sich das eingerichtete Team unerwartet verhalten hat. Es wurden immer wieder Anrufe weitergeleitet, obwohl Agenten angemeldet waren. Nach meinen Tests werden Anrufer auch weitergeleitet, wenn die Mitglieder in einem Pausenstatus befinden. Das passiert bei uns nach jedem Anruf.

Intern wird diese Asterisk-Einstellung z. B. als leavewhenempty=yes oder joinempty=yes verarbeitet. Auch auf folgender Webseite wird beschrieben, dass leavewhenempty=yes bzw. joinempty=yes für “penalty,paused,invalid” steht. :
; ---------------------- Queue Empty Options ----------------------------------
; Asterisk has provided the “joinempty” and “leavewhenempty” options for a while
; with tenuous definitions of what they actually mean. The “joinempty” option controls
; whether a caller may join a queue depending on several factors of member availability.
; Similarly, then leavewhenempty option controls whether a caller may remain in a queue
; he has already joined. Both options take a comma-separated list of factors which
; contribute towards whether a caller may join/remain in the queue. The list of
; factors which contribute to these option is as follows:
; paused: a member is not considered available if he is paused
; penalty: a member is not considered available if his penalty is less than QUEUE_MAX_PENALTY
; inuse: a member is not considered available if he is currently on a call
; ringing: a member is not considered available if his phone is currently ringing
; unavailable: This applies mainly to Agent channels. If the agent is a member of the queue
; but has not logged in, then do not consider the member to be available
; invalid: Do not consider a member to be available if he has an “invalid” device state.
; This generally is caused by an error condition in the member’s channel driver.
; unknown: Do not consider a member to be available if we are unable to determine the member’s
; current device state.
; wrapup: A member is not considered available if he is currently in his wrapuptime after
; taking a call.
; For the “joinempty” option, when a caller attempts to enter a queue, the members of that
; queue are examined. If all members are deemed to be unavailable due to any of the conditions
; listed for the “joinempty” option, then the caller will be unable to enter the queue. For the
; “leavewhenempty” option, the state of the members of the queue are checked periodically during
; the caller’s stay in the queue. If all of the members are unavailable due to any of the above
; conditions, then the caller will be removed from the queue.
; Some examples:
;joinempty = paused,inuse,invalid
; A caller will not be able to enter a queue if at least one member cannot be found
; who is not paused, on the phone, or who has an invalid device state.
;leavewhenempty = inuse,ringing
; A caller will be removed from the queue if at least one member cannot be found
; who is not on the phone, or whose phone is not ringing.
; For the sake of backwards-compatibility, the joinempty and leavewhenempty
; options also accept the strings “yes” “no” “strict” and “loose”. The following
; serves as a translation for these values:
; yes - (empty) for joinempty; penalty,paused,invalid for leavewhenempty
; no - penalty,paused,invalid for joinempty; (empty) for leavewhenempty
; strict - penalty,paused,invalid,unavailable
; loose - penalty,invalid

Es wäre schön, wenn die Pascom-Doku in diesem Punkt verbessert wird.

Viele Grüße

Hallo @camouflageX,

wir nehmen das Thema mit auf und prüfen das.

Grüße Andi