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VoIP Definition

Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) is a method that combines numerous technologies to transmit Voice communication and data (multimedia) over internet protocol networks, such as the internet. Also referred to as IP Telephony, Internet Telephony, how VoIP works is an often asked question. Basically VoIP is a collection of hardware and software technologies that enables users to use the internet as a communications medium by converting analog voice signals into digital packets which are then transferred using the Internet Protocol based technologies such as SIP.

VoIP offers numerous benefits, the most attractive of which is the potentially huge cost savings. Originally used for voice, IP technology has grown to incorporate other media and data streams such as Video, Fax (FoIP), Instant Messaging (IM). The combination of all these functions combined with the almost limitless integration possibilities VoIP and huge advancements in cloud has seen the development and massive growth of the Unified Communications (UC) solutions which have now become must have technologies and solutions for businesses of any size and industry.

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