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pascom Supporting Local Grass Roots Football

pascom Supporting Local Grass Roots Football

A number of pascom employees are actively involved in their local football club youth as volunteer youth team trainer and as a company, we’re rewarding their efforts by supporting their clubs financially to ensure that our local sports teams continue to provide every opportunity for youngsters to get involved in and benefit from the beautiful game.

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How to setup and use the pascom client profiles

How to setup and use the pascom client profiles

How we work has changed forever. The modern workplace is a hectic, complex interconnection between workspaces, devices and channels and seamlessly managing every aspect has been anything but easy – until now. Thanks to pascom Client Profiles, managing all your devices, workspaces, teams, DND and FollowMe settings can now be done quickly, simply and in one place. Find out how in our latest How-to guide:

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